Monday, November 30, 2009

Tea Party for Choice!

SRR has been holding regular meetings and is alive and well. This Saturday will be our first official event. We're hosting an informal discussion, open to the pro-choice public, about reproductive rights issues in general. Although it will be useful to hear what is of most interest and concern so that we can take action in the new semester, mainly it's a chance to unite with pro-choice peers and feel safe in the community we're creating. The issues we face are difficult and will require support, and what better way to feel safe and connected than over a warm cup of tea? Dec. 5th, 2:30pm - 4pm in SUB room 245. Everyone is welcome, but we ask that you bring along your own cup or mug if you'd like tea.

There are many possible topics to discuss, one of which is the Stupak amendment in the US. This possible nation-wide restriction on a woman's right to choose is appalling and we Canadians will undoubtedly feel the ripples of this upset at some point. Our sympathies go out to the women who will be affected if this bill passes with the Stupak amendment and our hearts go out to the fearless pro-choice activists in the US who are working hard to protect women and families.

Finally, there was one more reason to be outraged this month. Here at UBC last week, an anti-choice presentation took place comparing abortion to the holocaust. I don't need to explain how this comparison is deeply offensive, oppressive, and inaccurate. Many believe Vancouver and UBC to be a pro-choice haven but this is obviously not the case. There is so much to protect and many reasons to speak up.

We hope to see you at the Tea Party for Choice this weekend!

Monday, November 9, 2009

SRR Update

SRR is officially born! We had our first meeting last Wednesday - a big thank you to the many of you who came out. We figured out some logistics, brainstormed events, and discussed the issues that have moved us to create this group and get active: reproductive health and access to abortion.

It's a busy time in the semester, but nevertheless we will be having at least one event before the year is out. This will be a tea and discussion, open to everyone but especially for members and their friends. The pro-choice movement is one of knowledge (and compassion and social justice, in my opinion), and as such we need to educate ourselves in order to be effective defenders of reproductive rights.

Here's a piece of knowledge from the WHO (2006) that is forever on my mind and in my heart:

An estimated 68 000 women die every year from unsafe abortion, and millions more are injured, many permanently. The underlying causes of unsafe abortion are apathy and disdain for women; they suffer and die because they are not valued.

In solidarity for women everywhere,


SRR President

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Welcome to SRR!

Abortion doctors murdered, women made to feel shame, access is scarce: the anti-choice student movement has been busy. Let's get as organized and effective as they have been. Let's fight back and protect our reproductive rights!

Are you pro-choice? Students for Reproductive Rights (SRR) is UBC's new pro-choice club. Our goal is to educate and empower people of all ages and genders with knowledge of reproductive health so that they can make choices that are best for their individual needs. We will act to protect our right to make these decisions and to choose when to reproduce. SRR plans to hold various events related to reproductive rights that may include safe space discussions, sexual health education, and political activism in some of its many forms. We hope to begin a lasting discussion on campus around this issue and to create a network of resources and support.

Most importantly: our first meeting will be this Wednesday, November 4th at 5pm in Irving K Barber Room 317. This room is in the back corner of the library on the 3rd floor of Irving K. We will be deciding what form the group will take and brainstorming events, so come and have your say in this important process. Bring along all your pro-choice, pro-family planning, pro-health friends, open to all ages and genders! This might not be the permanent meeting time, I'll be sending out an online survey next week after the meeting. There are executive positions available if you'd like to be more involved.

E-mail us to be added to the mailing list, or if you have any questions or comments: .