Monday, November 9, 2009

SRR Update

SRR is officially born! We had our first meeting last Wednesday - a big thank you to the many of you who came out. We figured out some logistics, brainstormed events, and discussed the issues that have moved us to create this group and get active: reproductive health and access to abortion.

It's a busy time in the semester, but nevertheless we will be having at least one event before the year is out. This will be a tea and discussion, open to everyone but especially for members and their friends. The pro-choice movement is one of knowledge (and compassion and social justice, in my opinion), and as such we need to educate ourselves in order to be effective defenders of reproductive rights.

Here's a piece of knowledge from the WHO (2006) that is forever on my mind and in my heart:

An estimated 68 000 women die every year from unsafe abortion, and millions more are injured, many permanently. The underlying causes of unsafe abortion are apathy and disdain for women; they suffer and die because they are not valued.

In solidarity for women everywhere,


SRR President

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